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Year of the Wood Dragon - 2024

Year of the Wood Dragon - 2024

Dear Friends

Emotionally charged Rabbit has ended, and the Year of the Wood Dragon has begun. A year of challenge awaits. As the Year of the Wood Dragon starts, so begins the building. Gentle Rabbit offered you a year to nurture yourself and seek comfort and refuge in your burrow. The element of Water began softly and got more erratic as the year went on - creating a tidal wave that Dragon has ridden in on.

The world is in flux; tension, anger, and fear abound. You have had several years charged with the element of Water, but now it is the turn of Wood. Strong, stable, flexible, grounded and connected Wood. It is the element of resilience, timeless and enduring - though it can be broken, it can also be shaped. Wood gives you the frames for your house, the paper to write on and the fire in your hearth. It is a giving element and encourages you to give strength to others as it gives strength to you. Let the Wood support you, brace you for the challenges ahead and feed the fire of your passions and dreams.

But what of Dragon? What will Dragon bring? This mystical creature has many facets and attributes, but let's begin with the magic at its heart. The magic to create, to inspire, to help you dream. For those willing to listen to their true selves and hear their true desires, Dragon will open up the dream world to you. For some, though, the dreams could become nightmares; be mindful of what you seek and why. Is it the pursuit of your Soul or your Ego? Dragon speaks the language of the Soul. Do not let your Ego lead you into despair or false paths.

The Year of the Dragon is about building - a better world, a better future - perhaps. But that is up to you. What do those phrases mean? Are you willing to do the work, make the sacrifices necessary, forgive and heal the rifts in your world and its people?

Dragon is the sign of strength and power; it gives these to you to fortify you and underpin your endeavours. Dragon is also wise and lucky and can shine good fortune on those who strive from a place of peace and harmony, who let life flow from their Soul.

Dragon will give you courage and help you soar to new heights, but it does not suffer fools. If you approach the Dragon with greed in your heart, it will not assist. The Dragon will measure your worth; more importantly, it will ask you to measure your own worth and reflect on who you are.

Combined with Wood, Dragon brings a year when you can build, create, and lay foundations, but of course, the opposite is also true: you can demolish and destroy. Some things in your world need demolishing, but can you discern what they are? Do you have the courage to act? Dragon will not answer those questions for you but will lend you its strength and wisdom to find the answers within yourself.

Personally, it is a year for personal growth and laying the foundations for your future. A year when endings and beginnings can become clear and the support provided to transition from one to another.

Globally, it is a year to build if you first remove the rot. Consider the Wood in a house - if it is good Wood, you keep it; if it is rotten, you remove it as it makes the house unstable. Those who are ready to step forward towards harmony will come up against those who are holding on to the old ideas of power and greed.

Rabbits' Water energy has heightened their emotional state, and they are clinging on, with no thought of the future, only of their own survival and greed. The element of Wood will make them feel safe and secure; they will see Wood as a platform and aim to shore up their choices and defend their positions.

Dragon is more potent than the element. Dragon will shake their foundations, shake their defences and challenge their ideas. Things will shift, break lose, and crumble; some will hold firm. As the dust settles, it will be up to you to see the truth and know who speaks for the greater good and who speaks for their own good.

Lastly, remember the Dragon is a mythical creature - it can fly, dream walk, and travel anywhere it wishes in an instant. It can see what is in your heart and Soul. For those on their own path, healing their wounds, moving towards being their true selves - Dragon can bring wonder and awe and a deep reflection of your inner self. A mirror into your Soul, if you will - but only to those who are ready and ask.

Rabbit shared its burrow and comfort with you. Dragon will share the skies and the dreamworld with you. Remember, the dream world is not a place of fantasy or escape; it is a place of learning, remembering and knowledge. In Western culture, your Dragons have limbs and hard scales, but in Chinese culture, they are lithe and graceful creatures with soft fur and translucent rainbow colours - truly magical looking.

In the year of the Dragon, let the magic into your lives - laughter, joy and serenity.


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Thank you! This is what I needed to read x

Maggie (Margarita) Bennett

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